GWZFOOD:正宗意大利 卡邦尼意粉 無忌廉濃滑秘訣

GWZFOOD:正宗意大利 卡邦尼意粉 無忌廉濃滑秘訣



上篇:GWZFOOD:食得健康 丹麥橄欖油香草蒸蜆



Spaghetti, eggs, salt, black pepper, pancetta, olive oil, parmigiano reggiano cheese, garlic


1. In a large bowl whisk 2-3 egg yolks (remove the egg whites) adding parmigiano reggiano cheese, black pepper and a very small pinch of salt (A)


2. In a pot or pan, boil water adding olive oil and a generous amount of salt to cook spaghetti (B)


3. In another pan, cook pancetta until oil comes out and slightly crispy – during half way, add a clove of garlic (C)


4. When spaghetti is cooked al-dente, use a pair of tongs to clip it into (A) and start mixing together – A small amount of pasta water included is fine. Then add in (C) and mix together.


  • 5. Stir until sauce becomes slightly sticky, then plate.

6. Lastly, top with some more parmigiano reggiano cheese


  1. PS Use Japanese spaghetti if possible
  2. PPS Use high quality eggs for more rich flavours
  3. PPPS Use high quality parmigiano reggiano over Parmesan cheese, the texture of the dish will be much smoother and delicious


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GWZFOOD:食得健康 丹麥橄欖油香草蒸蜆

【有片】王子一分鐘貼士:簡易暖胃首選 熱拌皮蛋豆腐

【有片】王子煮場 – 泡菜煎餅 中韓Fusion版

GWZFOOD: 潤肺祛燥鱷魚湯 預防氣管敏感、咳嗽

Author Bio:

王子  (Instagram: GWZfood)


gwz Fastidious and meticulous aiming for “Perfection at your palate”. Passionately homemade in Hong Kong.

整理:Jessica Lee

拍攝/剪接:WAW Creation